viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2013

Food and eating habits

Hello everyone. I’m going to talk about my personal eating habits or what I think about food in general.

Well, I don’t eat meet (chicken, beef, pig) just fish only occasionally. For this reason, I don’t go to fast food restaurants like McDonalds because all have meet, or if it’s necessary I eat french fries when I go with my friends but in general I don’t like this food much.  

For other hand, when I buy food like in a supermarket, I like to see the ingredients, it is not that interested me but it is more for curiosity; but sometime see ingredients to change my opinion with some food for example one day I see a soya yoghurt and I think “ooho that must so healthy” but looking at the ingredients I noticed that it have over twenty ingredients and all with estranges name!!

But the foods topic is delicate. I don’t agree with the extreme diet, when the problem is obesity I can understand but I know girls that make diet and they’re not fat!!  I prefer the physical exercises, it’s better, and so you enjoy the food. I like the sweet food like cake, ice cream (better if it’s of chocolates), etc. If I know that I'll die, I would eat sweet food, definitely. Or sushi, I love sushi!! But depend so much the place, there some place really bad, and for this the people is disappointed.

Well, these are my opinions about food, bye!

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