viernes, 29 de noviembre de 2013

about youtube

Well hello everyone!! Today I’m going to talk about what i think about youtube: I like youtube because it gives me access to a lot of interesting things, in this category I usually look for music videos, movies, funny videos, car accident videos, tutorials, and anime. I visit youtube almost every day, mainly to watch music videos from my favorites artists. I often click the button “I like it” and leave a comment in some videos to give my opinion.

when I was at school I had an account on youtube and upload funny videos of my classmates. Then I want to find those videos but I could not. certainly was so deplorable that removed jajaja.  I had videos of my friends singing, doing ridiculous, laughing, etc. Today these would be surely a nice memory videos. But I can not find!!

Well, today I have other account but is for have an account in google. And with this sometime I comment or make click on “I like it”.

Well, this is my situasion with this page youtube, I hope someday make interesting videos and that the people comment it. Make some like little movies or music videos, you know, make some experimental jaja

I hope you have some opinion more interesting about the videos on youtube, today I don’t have creative. I can not even think of one favorite that has to recommend, boring =( so sorry. See you! Bye!

viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2013

Food and eating habits

Hello everyone. I’m going to talk about my personal eating habits or what I think about food in general.

Well, I don’t eat meet (chicken, beef, pig) just fish only occasionally. For this reason, I don’t go to fast food restaurants like McDonalds because all have meet, or if it’s necessary I eat french fries when I go with my friends but in general I don’t like this food much.  

For other hand, when I buy food like in a supermarket, I like to see the ingredients, it is not that interested me but it is more for curiosity; but sometime see ingredients to change my opinion with some food for example one day I see a soya yoghurt and I think “ooho that must so healthy” but looking at the ingredients I noticed that it have over twenty ingredients and all with estranges name!!

But the foods topic is delicate. I don’t agree with the extreme diet, when the problem is obesity I can understand but I know girls that make diet and they’re not fat!!  I prefer the physical exercises, it’s better, and so you enjoy the food. I like the sweet food like cake, ice cream (better if it’s of chocolates), etc. If I know that I'll die, I would eat sweet food, definitely. Or sushi, I love sushi!! But depend so much the place, there some place really bad, and for this the people is disappointed.

Well, these are my opinions about food, bye!

viernes, 15 de noviembre de 2013

green person

Hello everyone

Today I’m going to talk about “how green I am”.

I am a person who likes to defend nature. When I was a child and up until today, I could not bear the person who ripped out the plants. And of course I protect all the animals, including the insects, like ants, spiders, moths, etc. I think I am the defender of everything jaja.

With respect to green things, I think I am a green person. I reuse paper, containers; I definitely do not throw anything that may have another use. I care for the water, lights (energy), etc.

I think it is very necessary to recycle, especially glass because the impact to nature is big.

I don’t participate in an organization but I think that you, with little things, can to make big changes: for example, you can decrease the time that you take to bathe, not letting things pinned you do not use, not leave connected the charger phone all day (like some people, grrrrr), OR do not having the laptop connected when it is fully charged!! I hate that!

Well, maybe don’t have directly relation with be a green person, but I like to think about the animal, for this reason I don’t eat meet, I don’t eat animals!! And I must confess it’s not easy but it’s an important sacrifice and this make me happy =D

This is my post
